Going Forth:
Discovering your Personal Power during a Climate Emergency
With Margo van Greta
An online course starting 21 January 2023
Active Hope and the Work That Reconnects
Using the tools of Active Hope and the Work That Reconnects you will be guided to discover powerful new actions you can take for yourself and your life.
“Of all the dangers we face, from climate change chaos to nuclear war, none is so great as the deadening of our response.” Joanna Macy
The Great Turning” brings our attention to an inspiring vision of creating a world we really want to live in; including a commitment to act for life on earth, finding the courage to do so, and creating collaboration with others.
This online course is informed by mythic journeys, modern psychology, spirituality and holistic science. It aims to help each participant find their own pathway to ‘Going Forth’ – providing clarity around next steps, identifying inner and outer support, and discovering practices to maintain momentum.
Session 1: Catching an Inspiring Vision:
The first session will begin with an exploration of the first three parts of the Spiral of the Work that Reconnects – Gratitude, Honouring our Pain and Seeing with New Eyes – before we focus on Going Forth. How to coalesce our vision, our dream, our goals and start to identify steps we can take towards that.
Session 2: Daring to Believe it is Possible:
We will ask ourselves what resources we have available to us and what resources we need to cultivate, to create the world we want to live in? How do we connect with our courage, determination and resilience, even when we encounter difficulties?
Session 3: Building Support:
We do not have to do everything alone. Do we have supportive networks around us? If not, how do we find those networks and how do we tap into them to provide energy for our commitments?
Session 4: Maintaining Energy and Enthusiasm:
What practices do we need to prioritise in our lives so we can maintain our energy, stay enthusiastic? How do we allow ourselves time and space for self-care and nourishment?
Previous participation in The Work That Reconnects is very welcome. This course is open to you regardless of whether you have previous experience of Active Hope or the Work that Reconnects.
“This series of sessions focusing on going forth through the spiral built strong connections and took us deep into the heart of what matters to us incredibly powerfully. I feel even more connected with this beautiful work and inspired to explore more with my local community as we move through these turbulent times together.”
October 2021
Date and Time: Saturday January 21, 28, February 4, 11, 2023; 4-6pm GMT (UK)
San Francisco: 8-10am, New York: 11am-1pm, Amsterdam: 5-7pm.
Suggested Early Bird Donation: £240 / £180 / £120 – sliding scale
There are 3 prices, in order to make this course available to all:
£240: Generosity price: to financially support those without the means to participate.
£180: Sustainable price: the regular price to sustain this course.
£120: Subsidised price, for those on low income and in need of financial assistance.
If money is an issue, please contact me to arrange something that is mutually supportive.
Using the tools of Active Hope and the Work That Reconnects you will be guided to discover powerful new actions you can take for yourself and your life.
“Of all the dangers we face, from climate change chaos to nuclear war, none is so great as the deadening of our response.” Joanna Macy
The Great Turning” brings our attention to an inspiring vision of creating a world we really want to live in; including a commitment to act for life on earth, finding the courage to do so, and creating collaboration with others.
This online course is informed by mythic journeys, modern psychology, spirituality and holistic science. It aims to help each participant find their own pathway to ‘Going Forth’ – providing clarity around next steps, identifying inner and outer support, and discovering practices to maintain momentum.
Session 1: Catching an Inspiring Vision:
The first session will begin with an exploration of the first three parts of the Spiral of the Work that Reconnects – Gratitude, Honouring our Pain and Seeing with New Eyes – before we focus on Going Forth. How to coalesce our vision, our dream, our goals and start to identify steps we can take towards that.
Session 2: Daring to Believe it is Possible:
We will ask ourselves what resources we have available to us and what resources we need to cultivate, to create the world we want to live in? How do we connect with our courage, determination and resilience, even when we encounter difficulties?
Session 3: Building Support:
We do not have to do everything alone. Do we have supportive networks around us? If not, how do we find those networks and how do we tap into them to provide energy for our commitments?
Session 4: Maintaining Energy and Enthusiasm:
What practices do we need to prioritise in our lives so we can maintain our energy, stay enthusiastic? How do we allow ourselves time and space for self-care and nourishment?
Previous participation in The Work That Reconnects is very welcome. This course is open to you regardless of whether you have previous experience of Active Hope or the Work that Reconnects.
- are passionate about finding new ways to connect with your inner power and resources
- have a desire to share your gifts with the world and need some help getting clear next steps
- would like to meet a group of like-minded passionate people who are aware of what is happening in the world and aren’t afraid to look at it together
- Four weekly facilitated 2 hour sessions
- Four weekly sessions in a peer buddy group.
- Integration of the material during the week.
- Focussing on a project of your choice.
- Journalling and personal practices.
- clear next steps that you can put into practice in your life
- inspired reconnection to your love for life and your fellow humans
- a community of supportive caring people
“This series of sessions focusing on going forth through the spiral built strong connections and took us deep into the heart of what matters to us incredibly powerfully. I feel even more connected with this beautiful work and inspired to explore more with my local community as we move through these turbulent times together.”
October 2021
Date and Time: Saturday January 21, 28, February 4, 11, 2023; 4-6pm GMT (UK)
San Francisco: 8-10am, New York: 11am-1pm, Amsterdam: 5-7pm.
Suggested Early Bird Donation: £240 / £180 / £120 – sliding scale
There are 3 prices, in order to make this course available to all:
£240: Generosity price: to financially support those without the means to participate.
£180: Sustainable price: the regular price to sustain this course.
£120: Subsidised price, for those on low income and in need of financial assistance.
If money is an issue, please contact me to arrange something that is mutually supportive.