Solstice Retreat
Reviewing the past year, and welcoming the emerging future
18-20 December 2020
Solstice is a time of transition, whether it is the shortest day turning towards the light in the northern hemisphere, or the longest day turning towards the darkness in the south.
At this moment of change and potential transformation, join us for a journey of reflection, release and creative invocation.
We will review the past year, step by step, identifying the challenges, opportunities, achievements and learnings in all aspects of our lives. What was memorable in areas such as health, work, family/friends/relationships, study, finance, home, spiritual practice, hobbies and travel?
From there we will enquire into what wants to emerge for you in the coming year. What are your 'whispers from the future'? Finally, we will ‘walk the spiral’, each of you in your own space. Walking into the spiral, we review and release; walking out we invoke our aspirations for the coming year.
We will include some simple sacred circle dances to honour all that has gone before, what is to come and to embrace the quality of presence and joy.
This is a time to celebrate the gift of life in all its joyful and challenging variety, to explore both stillness and dynamic energy flow, and to invoke the highest in human potential. Let’s celebrate ourselves and each other, connect with our inner light, and share that with the world.
About us:
Margo van Greta is a pioneer of holistic spirituality and a facilitator of transformation, creating a safe and supportive space for deepening the inner journey. She is a qualified guide of the Game of Transformation, and a practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism since 1987. A staff member of the Findhorn Foundation since 1991, she worked with integrated spirituality through Spiritual and Personal Development, created the Findhorn Internal Trainings, and is a former member of the management team. One of her projects was creating the Inspired Action Conference in 2010. She has been leading retreats for 20 years, and does her personal annual month-long retreat in southern Spain. Margo initiated a Buddhist Group and is a qualified Discovering Buddhism teacher. She trained with Joanna Macy and the Work that Reconnects, and facilitates Active Hope courses. She loves nature, deeply enjoys regular walks on the nearby beach and her connection with the seals.
Yvonne Cuneo is an experienced facilitator, communicator and Sacred Dance teacher. She was a teacher for many years, has lived all over the world and sees herself as a planetary citizen. For the last 20 years Yvonne has been a co-worker of the Findhorn Foundation where she has served as Head of Communications, a member of the Management Team, co-founder of the Building Bridges initiative and as co-convenor of the New Story Summit, an enquiry into what the future of humanity might look like. Yvonne is also a Game of Transformation facilitator and a global ambassador for the conscious and joyful evolution of human consciousness.
Friday 18 December 7-9pm GMT
Saturday 19 December 3-6pm GMT
Sunday 20 December 3-6pm GMT
Check the times in your timezone here
Price: £95/£75/£45 Tiered pricing
We use 3 prices, in order to make this retreat available to all:
£95: Generosity price: to financially support those without the means to participate.
£75: Sustainable price: the regular price to sustain this retreat.
£45: Subsidised price, for those on low income and in need of financial assistance.
Please give generously within your means.
Book here