Space for the Heart
Buddhist Meditation retreat on Iona, in 2020: cancelled due to Corona virus.
Margo van Greta

Storm Island Iona, view from Traigh Bahn
Meditations from Buddhist tradition combined with the inspiration of Iona connect us more deeply with our heart, with the qualities of love, compassion and peace.
You will be introduced to a variety of meditation techniques, such as; breathing, mindfulness, visualisation and analytical meditation. All of these different terms will be explained, as well as what kinds of skills we develop in meditation and how these might also be useful in our daily lives. During the sessions we will include teachings, meditations and discussions.
Overall, the following topics will be covered during this retreat:
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Situated on the west coast of Scotland, Iona is a sacred island known as a historic place of pilgrimage. Traigh Bhan is the Findhorn Foundation’s retreat house on this magical island.
Traigh Bhan offers the opportunity for quiet contemplation, while the island itself – with its views and spectacular coastal scenery – is ideal for long walks of exploration and contact with nature’s beauty.
If you need time to integrate the lessons of a workshop or space to reflect on your own journey and next steps, Traigh Bhan is the perfect place for spiritual rest and renewal. Comfortable and well-equipped, the house has its own peaceful sanctuary for prayer and meditation. Our residential Foundation custodian can guide you in making the most of your time.
Check here for more Iona Spiritual Retreats
Tiered Pricing: £700 / £550 / £450
Book Here
The cost of the workshop does not include transport to Iona. For Foundation bus information to Iona and to arrange transport, please contact our Transport Department:
Tel: +44 (0)1309 678020 or email: [email protected]
If you are making your own travel arrangements, please let the custodian on Iona know what time you will arrive on Saturday at Traigh Bhan. It is best to phone around meal times during the week as the custodian is away from the house meeting the ferry on Saturday morning. Tel: +44 (0)1681 700 383.
You will find some useful travel links below:
Traveline Scotland
CalMac Ferries
West Coast Motors
Book Here
Please note: prior Experience Week participation is required to attend this workshop.
You will be introduced to a variety of meditation techniques, such as; breathing, mindfulness, visualisation and analytical meditation. All of these different terms will be explained, as well as what kinds of skills we develop in meditation and how these might also be useful in our daily lives. During the sessions we will include teachings, meditations and discussions.
Overall, the following topics will be covered during this retreat:
- What is meditation?
- Meditation posture and arranging the body
- Purposes and benefits of meditation
- Different skills that are used in meditation and useful in daily life
- The difference between meditation and simple relaxation
- Two main types of meditation – analytical and stabilising
- Obstacles to meditation and their antidotes
- Setting up a meditation session
- Advice for establishing a long-term meditation practice
- Using the benefits of meditation in everyday living
- Meditation practice
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Situated on the west coast of Scotland, Iona is a sacred island known as a historic place of pilgrimage. Traigh Bhan is the Findhorn Foundation’s retreat house on this magical island.
Traigh Bhan offers the opportunity for quiet contemplation, while the island itself – with its views and spectacular coastal scenery – is ideal for long walks of exploration and contact with nature’s beauty.
If you need time to integrate the lessons of a workshop or space to reflect on your own journey and next steps, Traigh Bhan is the perfect place for spiritual rest and renewal. Comfortable and well-equipped, the house has its own peaceful sanctuary for prayer and meditation. Our residential Foundation custodian can guide you in making the most of your time.
Check here for more Iona Spiritual Retreats
Tiered Pricing: £700 / £550 / £450
Book Here
The cost of the workshop does not include transport to Iona. For Foundation bus information to Iona and to arrange transport, please contact our Transport Department:
Tel: +44 (0)1309 678020 or email: [email protected]
If you are making your own travel arrangements, please let the custodian on Iona know what time you will arrive on Saturday at Traigh Bhan. It is best to phone around meal times during the week as the custodian is away from the house meeting the ferry on Saturday morning. Tel: +44 (0)1681 700 383.
You will find some useful travel links below:
Traveline Scotland
CalMac Ferries
West Coast Motors
Book Here
Please note: prior Experience Week participation is required to attend this workshop.